So Say We All

In 2009, I co-founded So Say We All is a literary and performing arts non-profit organization whose mission is to create opportunities for individuals to tell their stories, and tell them better, through three core priorities: publishing, performance, and education.

True Stories

Performed live on stage with So Say We All.

"Comedy of Errors: Knots" | So Say We All | 2022

Recorded at the Whistle Stop | San Diego, CA

"Dirty Talk: Guilty Pleasures" | So Say We All | 2019

Recorded at the Whistle Stop | San Diego, CA

"The Social Insecurity System" | So Say We All | 2010

Recorded at the Whistle Stop | San Diego, CA

"Rise of DJ Etch-A-Sketch" | So Say We All | 2022

Recorded at Arts Produce | San Diego, CA

"Villains: Brother In A Box" | So Say We All | 2016

Recorded at the Whistle Stop | San Diego, CA

"Love + Hate at 3 A.M." | So Say We All | 2009

Recorded at the Whistle Stop | San Diego, CA

Fictional Stories

Performed live on stage with So Say We All.

"Crisis of Faith" | So Say We All | January, 2011

Recorded at the Whistle Stop | San Diego, CA

"Obsessed" | So Say We All | 2011

Recorded at the Whistle Stop | San Diego, CA

Other Stories

Told on podcasts of every sort.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more


Featuring Marga Gomez, Dixie De La Tour, Jake Arky and Mark Davey telling stories at our summer 2016 show in San Francisco. Hosted by Kevin Allison.

Where R.A. Now?

Resident Assistants are the most important peer support for students in college. This podcast is dedicated to finding where the former RA's of New York University have gone since their days assisting students at NYU and what skills they still utilize from their training as an RA. Hosted by Tom Ellett, Sr. Associate Vice President of Student Affairs at NYU.


Original Films

